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Same Day Appointment Needed? Here's a Tip!


Your chances of getting a same-day appointment will improve greatly by doing one simple thing: fill out an intake form so we have it on file!

Any time you go see a new doctor, there is paperwork to fill out. They ask you to share some personal information and health information as well. We do the same thing. This information is needed in advance of your appointment because it helps us to know which techniques to try, or what resources to recommend to best provide the relief you are seeking. In other words, we need to do some planning. So, if you've never been seen by one of our licensed massage therapists, you'll need to fill out an intake form.

As you can imagine, having an intake already on file will speed up the process of booking a service, especially if you are requesting a same-day appointment.

Page 1 of the Mobile Massage 2 You Intake Form

You will receive an intake form when booking a service from Mobile Massage 2 You (MM2Y) for the first time. You can also download an intake form from the homepage of this website, and proactively send it when you are booking your appointment.

If you're fairly certain that you will book in the future with MM2Y, you can always fill out the intake in advance and ask us to keep it on file. That way, a same-day appointment will be much easier to line up!

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